Monday, June 27, 2005

Visions & Dream Part 1

My husband, newly baptised in the Spirit and on fire for the Lord (SO NICE TO SEE!!! I cannot thank the Lord enough!!!!) asked me how come and how I get visions.

I believe sincerely that God knew He could reach me best with the visual. Subtle impressions, whispers etc, they don't work so good on me. My faith has grown, but it's still a tiny seed (though I've read it's enough!).

I realise some things about visions:
1. You can ask for them. In fact, because of the promise God has made in Acts 2:17-18 (actually Joel 2:28-32) we can ALL see visions and dream dreams. Paul says to "desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy" (1 Cor 14:1). Visions are often prophecies.
2. You need to be in a state of prayerfulness. The temptation is always to jump on the first thing in your mind. I never cease to forget that satan and his angels of hell are all around us whispering LIES and trying to make FEAR enter our hearts. The devil is after all the father of Lies and he would love NOTHING better than to see us think we are visionaries and instead be doing his dirty deeds. So it helps to
3. Pray and read your Bible. When God's Word resides in your heart, you will know the Truth.

How I know when a vision is from God is:
1. He speaks directly to my heart. It's like an electric cable plugged directly to my chest. It's very intense, it's very clear (the vision or the words), and it leaves ZERO room for doubt. I can only attest to having experience this 3 times, really. And those visions came to pass very very shortly after they happened (1 day to 3 weeks).
2. I can ask Him questions and He will give these answers I could not have imagined by myself ever.
3. He sends confirmation in His Word -- He gives me a RHEMA word.

The visions that I am most afraid to interpret are those of sickness and death. When my cousin had breast cancer I went to pray for her after her operation. When I laid hands on her I saw huge white cells floating about. I had no idea what it meant. I also saw a heartbeat in her womb, which I of course thought would be a baby, but it's unlikely that she would have another child as she's in her mid-40s but I'm still waiting for the good news.

A few months later she SMS'd me to pray for her white blood count. It was only later that day I realised that's what God had shown me, that she would have an issue with her white blood cells (so I wasn't having a vision in black and white like I thought!!!).

The interpretation of visions is possibly the trickiest part. It requires prayer because honestly the only person who could interpret those images correctly would be God, since He gave them!

But I pray for many many many Christians to get visions! They are such a great gift from God, and such an assurance that He is IN YOU, WITH YOU, and GUIDING YOU with love ALL THE TIME. Incredible.

For my husband I pray that he will grow to have the full range of spiritual gifts, for I know in my heart (because God has spoken into it) that the Lord has many plans for him and for us in these harvest times.


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