Sex, God and Fake Christians

Fake Christians. Everybody knows one. Or ten.
Like fake Prada bags they wear the correct signage (the cross) on the outside, but when you look inside they're lined with cheap tearable synthetic cloth and the seams are in disarray. And you might find a fake Christian Dior wallet in there as well.
Signs of a fake Christian:
- they may go to church (as in their bodies are physically in the church building)
- they don't go to church because "God is not only in church"
- they wear a cross religiously like Edie Britt
- they tell you they're Christian
- they're having sex with three different people
- they don't give up their seats on the MRT which belong to the old, pregnant and sickly
- they lie
- they cheat
- they use their "Christian" membership to get you to buy their products/services
- they covet
- they smoke
- they gamble
- they go clubbing and get drunk/puke/pick up some stranger
- they tell the girl they impregnated to go and have an abortion
- they break all the 10 commandments but happily tell you they have been saved by grace
- they may quote you Bible verses, but they use them to justify their actions, or they use them to twist the word so they'll get their way
- basically they are unrepentant
Some Christians are still working out their salvation, perhaps trying to get rid of their gambling habit, or struggling with a bad marriage to an unyoked partner. But they are repentant. They know they've sinned — which is not just doing bad stuff but disrespecting God and His rules. They know they need God and they know God is a Holy God who cannot have anything to do with sin. These are true Christians who want to die to self so that the power of God can be made full in them.
I read a blog by a young woman who says she's Christian but lives like satan's youngest daughter. She is most certainly not a Christian, though she may not realise it and is clinging to the lie that when she is nice and ready to give up her promiscuity, God will just be waiting for her with open arms. Well, she might die before that happens.
While I know she is out for shock value, I also know she'll be the one who's shocked when she has to answer to God for not just her sins of which she is blatantly unrepentant, but for her blasphemy. I strive to pray for her -- because I recognise so much of my old psyche in her. I can only say from experience that the day she realises that using sex as a measure of value is not only foolish but destructive as well. It is dignity you rob yourself of, and you will reach a point where you cannot even face yourself in the mirror. I pray when that day comes, and believe me it will, that Jesus will be merciful as He was to me.
Sex isn't really about the act of sex. Sex has been twisted to become about social value. The devil has cleverly used sex as a weapon to divide man and woman. Women fall for satan's value system: you're only good if you're good in bed. So women compete against each other to give the best sex. What are the results?
- You're made to feel pathetic if you're a virgin at 16!
- Teen pregnancies and infanticide -- who's feeling sexy now?
- Guys grading women on sexiness and sexual performance -- and women grading themselves on the same butcher scale! HELLO?!!
- Emotional rollercoastering, because we're not made to sleep with so many people. We were made to find one spouse and be with that spouse for as long as we both shall live.
- Sexual addiction: you live for the next high, and with each one you plunge deeper and deeper into depression, till you have to use harder "drugs" (porn, prostitution, S&M) to get your kicks. Before you know it, you hate yourself but you feel like you can't turn back.
- No sense of self-worth because you have decided to make men and other women the judges of your self-worth, when you should make GOD the judge of you.
I could spend the whole night listing but I won't. I know it's something that many of us women go through whether or not we want to admit it, and I pray many of us get out of it. But it IS frightening to me that so many women fall prey to their own brainwashed thinking and live to regret it.
I am sure in my heart that Annabel Chong regrets what she did. Without God, she fell into the "lie" that she would be desired and given worth if she became a famous porn star. I know she reinvented herself, disappeared from the scene, and is trying to recover from that horrific past that she chose.
But I know also, like the woman at the well, until she encounters Jesus, who knows all her sins and loves her and waits to forgive her and set her free, she will always be imprisoned by her past.
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