Diligently Seeking His Face
This morning as I sat reading the Psalms (21, 22, 23, 24, 25) I came across a verse I had highlighted 4 years ago. (I have one of those Bibles with a wide margin for notes, so I'd scribble revelations or just observations and date them)

"The Lord confides in those who fear Him,
and makes His covenant known to them."
~Psalm 25:14 (NIV)
Imagine - the Lord God, Elohim, El Shaddai, confiding in you. Telling you stuff that's on His mind. The very mind that created the heavens and the earth.
How much must God love me and want to be with me and have meaningful conversations? Do I want to be with Him as much as He wants to be with me? When was the last time I had a meaningful conversation with God?
In my pride of course I said, Well I'm doing my quiet time, aren't I?
But that struck me - reminded me of something I read a long time ago. Often, I think I
seek His face and an intimacy with Him. But in reality, I seek His hands and a gift from Him.
Back in BSF classes we learned, always seek the Blesser, not the blessing.
To be honest, I want both. But yes, always seek GOD first... and the rest will come naturally.
So will God confide in me today? How will I hear Him?
Only by the power of the Holy Spirit, who says what He hears from the Father.
I have an answer about a new freelance job I am about to begin. I know how to calculate my wages, and I know it came from God, because the amount is remarkably fair for both my client and I, and the hours are reasonable.
The flesh comes in, of course, and reminds me that my baby's playschool fees will already suck up 1/4 of what I take home. And what about Building Fund - that's totally not accounted for. Will I have to take it out of my savings again - for the 4th year?
BUT GOD said, "Do not fear." I have a spirit of power, a spirit of love, a spirit of a sound mind. I reject the spirit of fear - it has no place in my universe. Let's not waste time.
Lord - I want to seek Your face. I long to be in Your embrace. To hear your voice like a
thousand trumpets whisper into my heart, You love me, You care for what I care for. To feel You draw me near, to see what You want me to see. To have visions and dreams of You again - it's been too long.

I found this picture of the Shroud of Turin. Back in my Catholic days this was one of the things that I found most fascinating - that there was physical proof Jesus lived and died and was buried, and most excitingly, escaped his burial clothes without unravelling this piece of cloth over his face! WOW! Of course, my life was transformed later not just by the idea of the Shroud but a very real, life-shattering encounter with Jesus ALIVE. And my life has never been the same again.
But still, that Shroud. That face. (Check out shroudofturin.blogspot.com - fascinating argument)
Love you, Lord.
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