Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Being Kingdom-Minded


Once in a while, You would call me back to a state in mind in which I suddenly remember what I'm here for.

1. Go and make disciples of all nations
2. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
3. Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely You are with me always, to the very end of the age.

Often I am not Kingdom-minded. Often, I am self-centred. Often, it's all about me, my husband and my kids.

It's not wrong but even with my kids - am I Kingdom-minded?

You have given me this beautiful, brilliant trio and am I preparing them to be arrows going into the world, to penetrate it with the goodness of God?

Yesterday we had a discussion about how to protect the Kingdom and all the good works we have put in place. One bad AWARE situation can topple a lifetime of good. Look at how the media has mercilessly torn down Ren Ci and Ming Yi, forgetting - totally erasing - the immense work, sweat, blood, sacrifice this man has put into this organisation at the cost of himself. 

None of us wants to have to waste time battling secular battles that we are not called to engage in nor to win. We are to go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:15-16). We just do the preaching. They have to do the believing. And we're not to do the condemning - that's not our turf.

Instead we are to zealously obey Jesus' commands (see previous post). To love, to serve God. To love, to serve all.

I'm proud of the things we are doing - the MS patients, cleaning up and repainting old folks homes and befriending them, helping the intellectually disadvantaged. I'm proud we have a school that tells kids "You have a second chance and we're here to make sure this time you shine", when all they have heard in life is "You're a loser. Get out of my class."

All these good works can be easily destroyed with a poor reputation. As God's child, I must jealously uphold that reputation. Don't do stupid things. Don't say stupid things. Keep up the good work even if I'm so tired already - must not weary in well-doing for in due season I know I shall reap my reward.

Lord, I'd be crazy if i pretend this is easy. It feels like one long fight sequence sometimes. But ... for You, for Your kingdom, for the world to taste and see and feel and hear and know your awesome, mind-blowing, soul-shredding love for each individual - it's all worth it. I'm glad someone (in fact, many someones) kept praying and working and being rejected just to bring me steps closer to You till I finally fell into Your arms.

I live that I can do that for someone - many someones.


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