The short answer is "DEFINITELY YES!"
We are all creatures of God. Our God longs to see us discover the Truth and come back to Him. But whether or not we are
children of God is another matter altogether. Only children get to inherit the kingdom.
Can gays be children of God? Yes. So can fornicators, murderers, liars, thieves — when they accept the work of Jesus on the cross, pronounce Jesus to be the Lord of their lives, and are washed by the blood of the Lamb.
If they do this with all their hearts, they will realise that they no longer have a desire to sin. They will want to live for Christ, and to obey His commandments, and to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. That means no more sin.
And yes they will be enabled by the helper God the Father sends to them, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, to live only for Christ and to die to self.
I know this is true. I was addicted to a great many sins. The night I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, the anointing broke so many yokes and bondages that I literally overnight lost my wicked desires. I couldn't believe it. But suddenly I didn't have any urge to do any of the stuff I did before. It was like I was possessed (actually I WAS! The Holy Spirit had come to live and all the demons had to go, sorry, party's over). In fact when I walked in to my house after that I felt spirits in my house for the first time in seven years. Of course -- they didn't like the "stranger" I'd brought home! They were quickly cast out.
But I digress. I guess my point is this: if you are truly a Christian and you are fully given to the Lord (ie you have surrendered every bit of yourself to God, that is there is 0% of you and 100% of Him) I can GUARANTEE you, you will not have a gay lifestyle any more. It will be totally incongruous with your sold-out-to-Jesus self.
A homosexual lifestyle is a sin. So is blasphemy (which I think in fact is worse since it appears much earlier in God's list of don'ts), covetousness, murder, theft, lying, disrespecting your parents, and the mother of all sins: not putting God first in your life (aka having idols before Him. Idols can range from actual idols to things like money, your job, your husband etc).
So I refuse to get embroiled in the whole "attacking gays" thing. I don't approve of it.
I know the gay-Christian debate is a long and heated one. I probably know it better than most because Focus On The Family actually asked me to help them to put together a fight against then-PM Goh Chok Tong's embrace of all things gay (propelled no doubt by the pink tourist dollar).
I turned them down. I was neither ready nor did I agree with their full-on attack of gays. You don't win anyone to Christ by abusing them or making them feel like freaks. You show them that there is nothing the love of Jesus cannot overcome.
But YES, fundamentally, a homosexual lifestyle IS a sin.
- It goes against what God created Man and Woman to be (Gen
- God calls it an abomination (Leviticus
- He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrhoa which was a town given to homosexual promiscuity
There are many instances in the Bible that this is definitely not on God's "can do" list.
But let's at NO point forget that God also said no to idol worship and a long list of evils in the Pentateuch. A sin is a sin. If you are Christian, and you're doing something -- anything -- that keeps you away from God, LOSE IT.
It is that simple.
Why is the gay lifestyle so hard to break? Why do people who call themselves homosexuals not believe that they can be anything else?
Because we have been lied to and we have believed the lies:
- homosexuals are born not made
- once gay always gay
- be true to yourself
- you're too cool to be straight
- straight people are boring
- gay sex is hotter than straight sex (not true, all sex can be hot or it can be pathetic)
- forbidden fruit tastes sweeter
- every man hs the propensity to be gay
- nobody can love a woman the way a woman wants to be loved except another woman
- lesbian sex is gentle and loving unlike heterosexual sex
etc etc etc
Some people think it is or they want to make it a thing about hets vs gays. It is not about that at all, so get over it. Whether you are straight or gay, if you are a blasphemer and an idol worshipper, you are in the same boat. The gay person isn't "more wrong" than the straight. Because in God's eyes, a sin is a sin and what is Holy cannot be together with what is unholy.
The answer to every problem is Jesus. While we are placed in this world to be a light in the world, we truly are only pilgrims. This is only our temporary residence — and as Christians we all want to live in the mansion Christ has gone to prepare for us. So it really doesn't matter if you are gay (as in, you have had sex with someone of the same sex and tend to prefer having relationships with someone of the same sex). What is important is this:
- do you love Jesus?
- if you love Jesus you will obey Him
- if you obey Him you will not sin wilfully, ie you know a gay lifestyle is a sin (probably along with the lies, etc) then you will give that up willingly to follow him
- if you don't want to give that up then you are not dying to self. Keep praying and keep working out your salvation.
In order to come into the holy presence of the Lord we must be holy. We must be pure and our hearts must be 100% set on Him or we cannot enter into that sweet presence. If we have sexual impurity whether gay or straight, we cannot please God.
These are my thoughts on the matter, Part One. Another day I will share about my best gay friend and why I still cry when I think about him.